# copy this text into the dialog box at https://gwips.ucc.ie/cgi-bin/hgCustom # or download the file and upload to GWIPS on the same page track type=bigWig name="SRR8327793 (Forward Strand) - P-Sites predicted with ORFik" description="Dorsal section of lumbar spinal cordSpared Nerve Injury (SNI) surgery (Forward Strand)" bigDataUrl=https://rdp.ucc.ie/static2/bigwig/SRR832/SRR8327793_pshifted_forward.bigWig track type=bigWig name="SRR8327793 (Reverse Strand) - P-Sites predicted with ORFik" description="Dorsal section of lumbar spinal cordSpared Nerve Injury (SNI) surgery (Reverse Strand)" bigDataUrl=https://rdp.ucc.ie/static2/bigwig/SRR832/SRR8327793_pshifted_reverse.bigWig