ERR2382623 (PRJEB25491)

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Sample Name SAMEA104674663
Organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Release Date 3/2018

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Run Details

Spots 3567386
Total Bases 478351274
Total Bases 478351274

Repository Details

SRA ERR2382623
ENA ERR2382623
BioProject PRJEB25491

Experiment Details

Title 126-Ribo-tRNA-seq, pre-lysis CHX

Sample Details

Run Accession ERR2382623
Total Number Of Spots (Original File)) 3567386
Total Number Of Bases (Original File) 478351274
Average Read Length 134
Original File Size (Mb) 315
Experiment Id ERX2430879
Library Name 126-Ribo-tRNA-seq, pre-lysis CHX_s
Library Strategy ncRNA-Seq
Library Selection other
Library Layout SINGLE
Insert Size 0
Insert Deviation 0
Model Illumina MiSeq
Sra Project Accession (Srp) ERP107411
Pubmed Id <NA>
Sample ERS2276046
Biosample SAMEA104674663
Sample Type simple
Organism Taxid 4932
Organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Sample Name SAMEA104674663
Center Name RIKEN Brain Science Institute
Submission ERA1241277
Month 3
Year 2018
Sample Title 126-Ribo-tRNA-seq, pre-lysis CHX
Condition Wild Type
Inhibitor Cycloheximide
Strain BY4741
Genotype wild type genotype_wild type genotype
Growth-Condition YPD medium
Stress none
Run Accession Study Accession Scientific Name Description Cell Line Library Type Treatment Trips-Viz GWIPS-viz RiboCrypt Reads BAM BigWig (F) BigWig (R)
ERR2382623 Saccharomyces cerevisiae Cycloheximide
Run Accession Study Accession Scientific Name Description Cell Line Library Type Treatment Trips-Viz GWIPS-viz RiboCrypt Reads BAM BigWig (F) BigWig (R)

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