ERR2603019 (PRJEB26593)

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Sample Name SAMEA4698426
Organism Homo sapiens
Release Date 5/2020

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Run Details

Spots 48034579
Total Bases 1415792285
Total Bases 1415792285

Repository Details

SRA ERR2603019
ENA ERR2603019
BioProject PRJEB26593

Experiment Details

Title LoVo cells 2h after infection by Listeria monocytogenes strain LL195 - Replicate 1

Sample Details

Run Accession ERR2603019
Total Number Of Spots (Original File)) 48034579
Total Number Of Bases (Original File) 1415792285
Average Read Length 29
Original File Size (Mb) 1589
Experiment Id ERX2619675
Library Name Ribosome profiling (RiboSeq) of ribosome footprints from LoVo cells at time 2h post-infection), replicate 1
Library Strategy RNA-Seq
Library Selection size fractionation
Library Layout SINGLE
Insert Size 0
Insert Deviation 0
Model NextSeq 500
Sra Project Accession (Srp) ERP108595
Pubmed Id <NA>
Sample ERS2518598
Biosample SAMEA4698426
Sample Type simple
Organism Taxid 9606
Organism Homo sapiens
Sample Name SAMEA4698426
Submission ERA1502185
Month 5
Year 2020
Sample Title LoVo cells 2h after infection by Listeria monocytogenes strain LL195 - Replicate 1
Library-Type Ribo-Seq
Replicate-Number 1.0
Timepoint 2h
Tissue Colon
Cell-Line LoVo
Cellular-Compartment Cytoplasmic
Infected Listeria monocytogenes LL195, 2 h
Run Accession Study Accession Scientific Name Description Cell Line Library Type Treatment Trips-Viz GWIPS-viz Reads BAM BigWig (F) BigWig (R)
ERR2603019 Homo sapiens LoVo Ribo-Seq
Run Accession Study Accession Scientific Name Description Cell Line Library Type Treatment Trips-Viz GWIPS-viz Reads BAM BigWig (F) BigWig (R)

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