SRR16230267 (PRJNA769267)

General Details

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Sample Name GSM5616112
Organism Homo sapiens
Release Date 11/2022

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Run Details

Spots 69692737
Total Bases 5575418960
Total Bases 5575418960

Repository Details

SRA SRR16230267
ENA SRR16230267
BioProject PRJNA769267

Experiment Details

Title FBL knockdown replicate 1

Sample Details

Run Accession SRR16230267
Total Number Of Spots (Original File)) 69692737
Total Number Of Bases (Original File) 5575418960
Average Read Length 80
Original File Size (Mb) 2065
Experiment Id SRX12512065
Library Strategy OTHER
Library Selection other
Library Layout SINGLE
Insert Size 0
Insert Deviation 0
Model NextSeq 500
Sra Project Accession (Srp) SRP340351
Pubmed Id 36259929
Sample SRS10473529
Biosample SAMN22107220
Sample Type simple
Organism Taxid 9606
Organism Homo sapiens
Sample Name GSM5616112
Center Name GEO
Submission SRA1307377
Month 11
Year 2022
Author Zhou
Sample Source Kasumi-1
Sample Title FBL knockdown replicate 1
Replicate-Number 1.0
Condition KD
Run Accession Study Accession Scientific Name Description Cell Line Library Type Treatment Trips-Viz GWIPS-viz RiboCrypt Reads BAM BigWig (F) BigWig (R)
SRR16230267 Homo sapiens Kasumi-1
Run Accession Study Accession Scientific Name Description Cell Line Library Type Treatment Trips-Viz GWIPS-viz RiboCrypt Reads BAM BigWig (F) BigWig (R)

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