SRR23176614 (PRJNA926112)

Processing Status: Not Yet Started

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Sample Name GSM6948140
Organism Homo sapiens
Release Date 7/2024

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Run Details

Spots 67033572
Total Bases 2362619424
Total Bases 2362619424

Repository Details

SRA SRR23176614
ENA SRR23176614
BioProject PRJNA926112

Experiment Details

Title M2,6KO_RPF_3

Sample Details

Run Accession SRR23176614
Total Number Of Spots (Original File)) 67033572
Total Number Of Bases (Original File) 2362619424
Average Read Length 35
Original File Size (Mb) 886
Experiment Id SRX19127047
Library Name GSM6948140
Library Strategy OTHER
Library Selection other
Library Layout SINGLE
Insert Size 0
Insert Deviation 0
Model Illumina NovaSeq 6000
Sra Project Accession (Srp) SRP418556
Pubmed Id 38982125
Sample SRS16526167
Biosample SAMN32851226
Sample Type simple
Organism Taxid 9606
Organism Homo sapiens
Sample Name GSM6948140
Center Name Boston Children's Hospital
Submission SRA1577973
Month 7
Year 2024
Author Cui
Sample Source HEK293T
Sample Title M2,6KO_RPF_3
Library-Type Ribo-Seq
Tissue Kidney
Cell-Line HEK293
Genotype METTL2A/2B and METTL6 KO
Run Accession Study Accession Scientific Name Description Cell Line Library Type Treatment Trips-Viz GWIPS-viz Reads BAM BigWig (F) BigWig (R)
SRR23176614 Homo sapiens HEK293T HEK293 Ribo-Seq
Run Accession Study Accession Scientific Name Description Cell Line Library Type Treatment Trips-Viz GWIPS-viz Reads BAM BigWig (F) BigWig (R)

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