Gelhausen et al. 2024 (PRJNA1004312)

General Details

Title Small proteome of Methanosarcina mazei: Insights from Ribo-seq and peptidomics under different nitrogen conditions
Number of Samples 4
Release Date 2023/08/10 00:00
Sequencing Types
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Repository Details

SRA SRP454525
ENA SRP454525
BioProject PRJNA1004312


Authors Shen K,Cheng L,Xu C
Journal Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP
Publication Date 2024 Oct 14
PMID None Available
Run Accession Study Accession Scientific Name Cell Line Library Type Treatment GWIPS-viz Trips-Viz Reads BAM BigWig (F) BigWig (R)
SRR25604697 PRJNA1004312 Methanosarcina mazei Go1 archaeal cell Ribo-Seq
SRR25604696 PRJNA1004312 Methanosarcina mazei Go1 archaeal cell Ribo-Seq
SRR25604693 PRJNA1004312 Methanosarcina mazei Go1 archaeal cell Ribo-Seq
SRR25604692 PRJNA1004312 Methanosarcina mazei Go1 archaeal cell Ribo-Seq
Run Accession Study Accession Scientific Name Cell Line Library Type Treatment GWIPS-viz Trips-Viz Reads BAM BigWig (F) BigWig (R)

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