Hsu et al. 2023 (PRJNA880902)

General Details

Title Ribosome dynamics following arginine deprivation in colon cancer cells
Number of Samples 6
Release Date 2022/09/15 00:00
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SRA SRP397502
ENA SRP397502
GEO GSE213472
BioProject PRJNA880902


Authors Hsu DJ, Gao J, Yamaguchi N, Pinzaru A, Wu Q, Mandayam N, Liberti M, Heissel S, Alwaseem H, Tavazoie S, Tavazoie SF
Journal Science advances
Publication Date 2023 Jan 6
Abstract Utilization of specific codons varies between organisms. Cancer represents a model for understanding DNA sequence evolution and could reveal causal factors underlying codon evolution. We found that across human cancer, arginine codons are frequently mutated to other codons. Moreover, arginine limitation-a feature of tumor microenvironments-is sufficient to induce arginine codon-switching mutations in human colon cancer cells. Such DNA codon switching events encode mutant proteins with arginine residue substitutions. Mechanistically, arginine limitation caused rapid reduction of arginine transfer RNAs and the stalling of ribosomes over arginine codons. Such selective pressure against arginine codon translation induced an adaptive proteomic shift toward low-arginine codon-containing genes, including specific amino acid transporters, and caused mutational evolution away from arginine codons-reducing translational bottlenecks that occurred during arginine starvation. Thus, environmental availability of a specific amino acid can influence DNA sequence evolution away from its cognate codons and generate altered proteins.
PMC PMC9821863
PMID 36608131
Run Accession Study Accession Scientific Name Cell Line Library Type Treatment GWIPS-viz Trips-Viz Reads BAM BigWig (F) BigWig (R)
SRR21595025 PRJNA880902 Homo sapiens RKO Ribo-Seq 0.0
SRR21595024 PRJNA880902 Homo sapiens RKO Ribo-Seq 0.0
SRR21595023 PRJNA880902 Homo sapiens RKO Ribo-Seq 0.0
SRR21595022 PRJNA880902 Homo sapiens RKO Ribo-Seq 0.0
SRR21595021 PRJNA880902 Homo sapiens RKO Ribo-Seq 0.0
SRR21595020 PRJNA880902 Homo sapiens RKO Ribo-Seq 0.0
Run Accession Study Accession Scientific Name Cell Line Library Type Treatment GWIPS-viz Trips-Viz Reads BAM BigWig (F) BigWig (R)

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